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Summer 2023 Photo Competition

B-SCI held a photo competition during the summer of 2023. Each winner received $100 for their entry. Check out the winners and the brief descriptions of their photos below!

Nilah Whitfield

As someone who always loves math and science but never really loved chemistry, it's still shocking to me today that I am a rising junior majoring in Chemistry. I couldn't decide which picture was best so I decided to take four and make them into one. All four have an exciting back story. As an African American female working in STEM, I will always have to work harder to prove my ability than my coworkers will. When I received the opportunity to not only work as a research student but to also work alongside my African Professor and another African American male I knew it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. In the top left was the first ever day I stepped into the lab which was the most exciting day ever. The bottom left is a picture of some of the compounds I created during this semester. Being able to say I created over 8+ compounds is honestly the best feeling ever. Last I stated my coworker was male and my professor was also a male. It was very interesting being the only girl with two males in the lab. Every day I felt like I was making sure everything was nice and neat. The last thing I would like to ask you all is, based on the picture in the top right, can you all tell where my station ends and where my coworkers begin? ( HINT look at the bottom right ;) )

Lab  - Nilah Whitfield.JPG
Foldscope - A revolutionary Microscope - Arpan Basuchowdhury.jpg


​A Foldscope is an optical microscope that can be assembled with a sheet of paper and a lens. It was developed by Manu Prakash and designed to cost less than US$1 to build. It is part of the "frugal science" movement. The magnification power of foldscope enables the spotting of organisms such as Leishmania donovani and Escherichia coli, malarial parasites, etc. It is an example of an 'inclusive science' project and can save thousands of lives every year.

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