B-SCI will be going on a break from June 19th to July 5th! Jana and Jordan give some break updates, science news, and another grad school rant!
1:15, Sponsorship Tier
4:15, STEMNoire
5:06, BlackInX Conference
6:23, Give 8/28
7:16, Perseverance Science Missions
7:57, Water’s Corporation
Waters Corporation. 2021. Detect & quantify SARS-CoV-2 NCAP peptides with LC-MS to advance research of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Retrieved from: https://www.waters.com/waters/en_HU/SARS-CoV-2-LC-MS-Kit-%28RUO%29/nav.htm?cid=135083368&xcid=em-crm_10731&mkto_cid=7482&mkto_pid=1680&mkt_tok=NTYxLUhURC00NjgAAAF9QpXyHto0sOLe7w2ixL9O3eFcKC9_WwM5LR4xRnhtmGgQTAKILzY7YG_7EF-qaapjqoWCID0Tnul-b3MEEbNRi49iakAUPspl2C6zJhMs&locale=en_HU
9:08, NASA's Venus Missions
Wall, M. 2021. Why Venus is back in the exploration limelight. Space.com. Retrieved from https://www.space.com/venus-exploration-campaign-nasa-missions
10:47, Schrodinger's Cat
TED-Ed [YouTube Channel]. 2014. Schrodinger’s Cat: A thought experiment in quantum mechanics-Chad Orzel. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjaAxUO6-Uw
17:00, Procrastination
48:52, Debora Kamin Mukaz Episode’
49:41, B-SCI Recruitment Form