Dr. Debora Kamin Mukaz and BlackInCardio
Dr. Debora Kamin Mukaz one of the co-founders of BlackInCardio stops by B-Scientists to talk to Jana and Janay about her research, the importance of representation in science, and her dozens of talents!
1:00, Dr. Debora Kamin Mukaz
1:14, BlackInCardio
1:42 Epidemiology-The study of diseases
7:50 Combating Covid with Black Communities CCWBC
Official website: https://comscicon.com/comsciconcepts-combatting-covid-black-community-2021
Application Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UcCGA6fxKooO1nVJ7WkknZo0B_PmhNq6bIQwla1yaOM/edit
43:32 BlackInX Conference
44:03 BlackInSciComm, BlackInArchaeo, BlackInSciPol
BlackInArchaeo (hosted by Society of Black Archaeologists): https://www.societyofblackarchaeologists.com/
44:17 BlackInNeuro
46:37 Society of Black Archaeology
46:40 National Association of Black Geoscientists